The sum of the first n squares is
The numbers s0,s1,s2,… are called the square pyramidal numbers.
Many different proofs exist. Seven different proofs can be found in Concrete Mathematics and even a visual proof has been published (via @MathUpdate).
One of the simplest proofs uses induction on n. This approach assumes that you know (or guess) the correct formula beforehand, though.
This post will show a derivation which is a formalization of the derivation shown on wikipedia. It revolves around manipulating sums and the fact that
since k2−(k−1)2=2k−1.
We will now write sn in three different ways. The first simply inserts the above expression for k2:
The second reverses the order of summation for the inner sum:
The third starts as the first and does a series of manipulations:
(the manipulations being: Switching the order of summation, change of variable j′=n+1−j, change of variable k′=k+j′−n, renaming j′→k, k′→j).
We now add together these three expressions for sn and get
which, after dividing each side by 3, produces the wanted formula.