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A Simple Sudoku Solver

Sudoku is a popular puzzle and for the past 15 years or so, it has been hard to find a newspaper that didn't contain at least one sudoku puzzle.

The objective is to fill a 9 x 9 grid with digits such that each column, row and block contains each of the digits from 1 to 9 (the grid is divided into 3 x 3 blocks).

Initially a partially completed grid is given and the task is to complete the sudoku square, following the rules above.

A puzzle could look like this:

A sudoku setup

This post will describe a simple way to computationally find all solutions of a sudoku puzzle. The method is based on backtracking, which leads to the following algorithm:

  1. Find the legal digits for each empty cell in the grid
  2. If there are no empty cells, write out the solution and return
  3. If there is an empty cell with no legal digits then return (dead end)
  4. Choose an empty cell and for each legal digit do:
    1. Place the digit in the cell and update the grid (and any state) appropriately
    2. Go to step 1 and inspect the grid recursively
    3. Make the cell empty again (undo the changes made in step 4.1)

The legal digits for each empty cell in the grid (step 1) would look like this for the example grid above:

Candidates for each free cell

We could maintain a set of legal digits for each empty cell and updating these sets in step 4a would be easy. Undoing such an update (step 4c), however, is harder. One option would be to push the entire grid and legal digit sets onto a stack in step 4a and then simply pop the stack in step 4c. That requires a lot of copying, so we use another approach.

We keep a candidate set for each row, column and block, that stores the available digits for each row, column and block, respectively. For instance, for row 4 we have r4={2,3,4,5,7,8}r_4=\{2,3,4,5,7,8\}, for column 5 we have c5={1,2,4,5,6}c_5=\{1,2,4,5,6\} and for block 5 we have b5={1,2,3,4,5,7,8}b_5=\{1,2,3,4,5,7,8\} (counting the blocks row-wise from the upper-left corner). The legal digits for the cell in row 4, column 5, is now the intersection of these three sets: r4c5b5={2,4,5}r_4 \cap c_5 \cap b_5 = \{2,4,5\}.

These candidates sets are easy to use both when finding the legal digits for a given empty cell in step 1 (by intersecting the appropriate row, column and block sets), when placing a digit into an empty cell in step 4a (by removing the digit from the appropriate row, column and block sets), and when clearing a digit for a cell in step 4c (by adding the digit to the appropriate row, column and block sets).

The remaining thing to figure out is which empty cell to choose in step 4. One option is to simply choose the first empty cell (using some ordering) or maybe one by random. A better choice is to pick the empty cell which has the smallest number of legal digits. This will keep the search tree small.

Rust code is available that implements the method described above.

Counting the number of times step 1 is performed is a measure of how large the search tree is. For the sample grid shown above the count is only 97. This is a very slim search tree, since the height of the tree is 53 (the number of empty cells).

A supposedly "world's most difficult Sudoku" was designed by the Finnish mathematician Arto Inkala. For this sudoku the method considers 18936 different grids while solving the puzzle, but it still solves in less than a second on my machine (a MacBook Pro with an Apple M1 Pro chip).

The repository for the sudoku solver Tdoku also contains a file with many hard puzzles. Some of them result in search trees with more than 20000 nodes.

The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4B, Section, also considers sudoku puzzles along with a method for solving them and other interesting information on these puzzles and backtracking in general.

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