janmr blog

The Computer as Brain Breaker

At our house we have a game called Brain Breaker. To play the game one person (the codemaker) sets up a secret code of four colored pegs, having five different colors to choose from for each peg. The other person (the codebreaker) then tries to guess the code using as few guesses as possible, using only feedback provided by the codemaker.

To be more precise, after the codemaker has chosen a secret code, a game follows these steps:

  1. The codebreaker guesses a combination by placing four pegs in a row.
  2. The codemaker provides feedback by placing purple pegs for each correct color in the correct position and pink pegs for each correct color in the wrong position (and where neither peg has been used for another match).
  3. If the codebreaker guessed correctly - four purple pegs - the game is over with the codebreaker as the winner. If the guess was not correct and 10 guesses has been used, the game is over with the codemaker as the winner. Otherwise, the game proceeds at step 1.
A brain breaker game in progress
Figure 1. A brain breaker game in progress.

The number of possible codes is 54=6255^4 = 625. A variant of this game is also known as Mastermind, where six colors are available to choose from (64=12966^4 = 1296 combinations).

The specification of how to provide the feedback for a guess (step 2 above) is actually a bit tricky to express clearly using words only. The purple pegs are straightforward: One purple peg for each peg that has the correct color in the correct position. Now for the remaining pegs, that are not part of a purple match, let dcd_c be the number of code pegs that have color cc and let gcg_c be the number of guess pegs that have color cc. Then the number of pink pegs is cmin(dc,gc)\sum_c \min(d_c, g_c).

Here are examples for each purple/pink combination with four pegs and colors 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5:

Code Guess Purple Pink
2211 4553 0 0
2523 4451 0 1
3254 1143 0 2
3532 5313 0 3
1523 3215 0 4
1125 3545 1 0
1423 2221 1 1
1252 2132 1 2
2131 1321 1 3
1432 2532 2 0
1511 1451 2 1
4532 3542 2 2
2231 5231 3 0
2231 2231 4 0

Note how 3 purple and 1 pink is not possible (no matter how many colors are being used).

Let us now consider how to implement a computer program that plays the game. Initially, we will have a pool of all possible codes. In the case of four pegs and five colors the pool will contain 54=6255^4=625 codes. As soon as we have a guess and the feedback, we can remove all codes from the pool that would not give the same feedback.

The strategy now is to make a guess that minimizes the maximum pool size after any possible feedback. Or, in (somewhat strange) psuedo code:

for guess in all_possible_guesses:
    for code in current_pool:
        compute_feedback(guess, code)
return the_guess_that_minimizes_the_maximum_group_size

This minimax strategy is guaranteed to find the correct code in at most five guesses (4.07 on average) for the four pegs and five colors case. It will also find the correct code in at most five guesses (4.57 on average) for the Mastermind case (four pegs and six colors). This latter case was also analyzed by Donald Knuth in 1976 in his paper The Computer as Master Mind.

Note how, interestingly, the best guess is not always part of the current pool of possible codes. This means that making a guess outside the current pool is sometimes worth it to shrink the pool as much as possible.

Some minor optimizations can be made to the above strategy:

  1. If the pool is down to just two codes, we just guess one of them (here we don't want to make a guess outside the pool).
  2. If multiple guesses have the same maximum group size, we choose the one that has the smallest average pool size.

Both of these will reduce the average number of guesses needed to find the correct code, but not the worst case.

A possible gameplay could be:

  • Guess 1123 (pool size 625). Feedback: 2 purple, 1 pink.
  • Guess 1242 (pool size 30). Feedback: 2 purple, 0 pink.
  • Guess 1115 (pool size 4). Feedback: 1 purple, 1 pink.
  • Guess 1253 (pool size 1). Feedback: 4 purple, 0 pink.

A Rust program that implements the above strategy is available on GitHub.

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